1991-现在, 个人网赌流水多大算违法副研究员、研究员;
1.Zhang Pei-zhen. 2013. Beware of slowly slipping faults. NATURE GEOSCIENCE , v. 6 , p323-324.
2.Zhang Pei-zhen. 2013. A review on active tectonics and deep crustal processes of the Western Sichuan region, eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, v.584, p.7-22,doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2012.02.021.
3.Zhang Pei-zhen,and Eric Robert Engdahl, 2013,Great earthquakes in the 21st century and geodynamics of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, v.584, p.1-6, doi:10.1016/j. tecto.2012.11.001.
4.Wang Weitao, Eric Kirby, Zhang Peizhen#, Zheng Dewen, Zhang Guanliang, Zhang Huiping, Zheng Wenjun, Chai Chizhang。2013.Tertiary basin evolution alongthe northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau:Evidence for basin formation during Oligocene transtension, Geological Society of America Bulletin,v. 125; no. 3/4; p. 377–400. Doi, 10.1130/ B30611.1.
5.Zhang P.Z.,Shen, Z.K., Chen, J.H., Wen, X.Z., 2010. Oblique, High-Angle, Listric-Reverse Faulting and Associated Development of Strain: ---- The Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008, Sichuan, China, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 38:351-380.
6.Zhang, P.Z.,Gan, W.J., 2008. Combined model of rigid block motion with continuous deformation: Patterns of presentday deformation in continental China, in Investigations Into the Tectonics of the Tibetan Plateau, edited by B. C. Burchfiel and E. Wang, Spec. Pap. Geol. Soc. Am.. .444, 59–71, doi:10.1130 /2008. 2444(1104)
7.Zhang, P.Z.,Molnar, P., Xu, X.W., 2007. Late Quaternary and present-day rates of slip along the Altyn Tagh fault, northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, 26, TC5010, doi:10.1029/2006TC002014.
8.Zheng, D.W., Zhang, P.Z.*, Wan, J.L., Yuan, D.Y., Li, C.Y., Yin, G.M., Zhang, G.L., Wang, Z.C., Min, W., Chen, W., 2006. Rapid exhumation at ~8 Ma on the Liupan Shan thrust fault from apatite fission-track thermochronology: Implications for growth of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 248:183-193.
9.Zhang, P.Z.,Shen, Z.K., Burgman, R., Molnar, P., Wang, Q., Niu, Z., Sun, J., Wu, J., Sun, H., and You, X., Continuous deformation of the Tibetan Plateau constrained from Global Positioning measurements, Geology, 32(9), 2004, 809-812.
10.Zhang, PZ., Late Cenozoic tectonic deformation in the Tianshan Mountain and its foreland basins. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(4), 2004, 311-313.
11.Zhang, P.Z.,Deng, Q.D., Zhang G.M., Ma J., Gan W.J., Min W., Mao F.Y., and Wang Q., 2003. Active tectonic blocks and strong earthquakes in continental China, Science in China (Series D), 46 (Supplement) , 13-24.
12.Zhang, P.Z.,Molnar, P., and Downs, W.R., 2001. Increased sedimentation rates and grain sizes 2-4 Myr ago due to the influence of climate changes on erosion rates. Nature, 410, 891-897.
13.Wang, Q., Zhang, P.Z. *, Jeffrey, T.F., Roger, B., Kristine, M.L., Lai, X.A., You, X.Z., Niu, Z.J., Wu, J.C., Li, Y.X., Liu, J.N., Yang, Z.Q., and Chen, Q.Z., 2001. Present-day crustal deformation in continental China constrained by Global Positioning System measurements. Science, 294, 574-577.
14.Zhang P., Yang Z., Gupta H.K., Bhatia S., and Shedlock K., Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP) in continental Asia, Annali di Geofisica, 42(6), 1999, 1167-1190.
15.Zhang, P.,Slemmons, D.B., and F. Mao, Rupture Terminations and size of segment boundaries from historical earthquake ruptures in the Basin and Range Province, Tectonophysics, 308, 1999, 37-52.
16.Zhang, P., Seismic hazard assessment in continental Asia, Annali di Geofisica, XXXVI, 1993, 41-59.
17.Zhang, P., D.B. Slemmons, and Mao, F., Geometric pattern, rupture termination, and fault segmentation of the Dixie Valley - Pleasant Valley active normal fault system, J. Struct. Geol., 12, 1991, 165-176.
18.Zhang, P., Burchfiel, B.C., Molnar, P., Royden, L., Jiao, D., Zhang, W., Deng, Q., Wang, Y., and F. Song, Rate, amount, and style of late Cenozoic deformation of southern Ningxia, northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau; Tectonics, 10, 1991, 1111-1129.
19.Zhang, P., Burchfiel, B.C., Molnar, P., Royden, L., Jiao, D., Zhang, W., Deng, Q., Wang, Y., and F. Song, Late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of southern Ningxia, northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau; Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 102, 1990, 1484-1498.
20.Zhang, P., Ellis, M.A., Slemmons, D.B., and Mao, F., Right-lateral displacement associated with prehistorical rupture and slip rate of the southern Panamint Valley fault zone, and implications for some Basin and Range tectonics problems; J. Geophys. Res., 95, 1990, 4857-4872.
21.Zhang, P., Burchfiel, B.C., Chen, S., and Q. Deng, Extinction of pull-apart basins, Geology, 17, 1989, 814-817.
22.Zhang, P., Molnar, P., Burchfiel, B.C., Royden, L., Zhang, W., Jiao, D., Deng, Q., Wang, Y., and F. Song, Bounds on the recurrence interval of major earthquakes along the Haiyuan fault in north-central China; Seism. Res. Letter, 59, 1988, 81-89.
23.Zhang, P., Molnar, P., Burchfiel, B.C., Royden, L., Zhang, W., Jiao, D., Deng, Q., Wang, Y., and F. Song, Bounds on the Holocene slip rate along the Haiyuan fault, north-central China; Quaternary Research, 30, 1988, 151-164.
24.张培震, 闻学泽, 徐锡伟, 甘卫军, 王敏, 沈正康, 王庆良, 黄媛, 郑勇,李小军, 张竹琪, 马胜利, 冉勇康, 刘启元, 丁志峰, 吴建平. 2009. 2008年汶川8.0级特大地震孕育和发生的多单元组合模式. 科学通报, 54(7): 944-953.
25.张培震, 徐锡伟, 闻学泽等. 2008. 2008年汶川8.0级地震发震断裂的滑动速率, 复发周期和构造成因. 地球物理学报, 51(4) : 1066~1073.
26.张培震. 2008. 青藏高原东缘川西地区的现今构造变形、应变分配与深部动力过程. 中国科学D辑:地球科学. 38(9):1041-1056.